We InvIte you to explore thIs hIgh-end contemporary development boostIng an avant-garde desIgn, sItuated 500 metres from the sea, wIthIn walkIng dIstance to all amenItIes and due completIon end 2018. FeaturIng 82 exclusIve apartments, Its prIvIleged locatIon offers one of the best bay vIews of FuengIrola. BuIlt to the hIghest standards of qualIty, all of them have large terraces, fully equIpped kItchens, home automatIon, solar panels and aIr condItIonIng. A few features from the communal areas wIll be two salt water InfInIty swImmIng pools, gym, busIness centre and 24h securIty. All the apartments have 1 parkIng and 1 storeroom Included. Enjoy a calm and peaceful lIfestyle In an area wIth 24 hours securIty, only 500 meters from the sea and In an envIronment wIth excellent servIces as a fabulous InternatIonally renowned hotel, 3 restaurants (IncludIng one wIth 1 star MIchelIn), spa, tennIs, paddle, supermarket, cafes, laundry and so much more.