Land Vizcaya Busturia

EUR 140,000
  • 50000 τ.μ
Ακίνητο για
Basque Country
Μεγέθυνση χάρτη
BIFAMILIAR farmhouse to rehabilitate, located in Busturia in the San Cristóbal neighborhood.

Possibility of building on 3 heights, ground floor of 214 m², first floor of 214 m² and ground floor of 158 m², in addition to a house with stone wall located in front of the main facade of 30 m² and another more terraced part 15 m² rear occupying half of the facade.

fifty. 000 m² of land divided into several nearby plots, of which 1.970 m² are located on the plot of the farmhouse, this plot includes water network and power grid.

Land No. 1; Polygon 011, Plot 064, in it is the hamlet 1.970 m².

Land No. 2; Polygon 013, Plot 140, Prairie. (In front). 6.053 m².

Land No. 3; Polygon 011, Plot 063, Monte Frondoso 34.574 m².

Land No. 4; Polygon 011, Plot 078, Monte Maderable . 1.210 m².

Land No. 5; Polygon 013, Plot 084, Eucalyptus (Separated) 5.511 m².

Land No. 6; Polygon 014, Plot 086, Eucalyptus.. . (Separated). . 682 m².

Total 50.000 m².

The project of the rehabilitation of the hamlet was delivered to the Water Directorate of the Department of Environment and Land Management of the Basque Government, in Public Works and Transportation of the Diputación de Bizkaia, in the Board of Trustees of the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve and in the City Council of Busturia, which informed favorably to the request of rehabilitation of the hamlet and the opportune municipal license was granted.

At present several rehabilitation works are carried out, such as;

- Demolitions of roof, structure, stairs, floors, interior distribution and main facade.

- Foundation; Reinforced concrete perimeter fence, prior to concrete slab including mesh, vault, drainage crane and three units of reinforced concrete footings. - REF: Busturia 910070
Τελειωμένα τετραγωνικά πόδια
50000 τ.μ
Μέγεθος αυλής
50000 τ.μ
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Busturia 910070
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