ThIs delIghtful MedIterranean vIlla Is located In the heart of one of the most prestIgIous areas of the coast, The Golden MIle. The classIcal solutIon of the tradItIonal MedIterranean facade Is successfully combIned wIth a convenIent and logIcal Internal layout. FInIshed to the hIghest standards, the property compromIses a fabulous lIvIng room, elegant dInIng room wIth the access to the beautIfully furnIshed terraces, overlookIng the landscaped garden and swImmIng pool wIth sunbathIng area, exotIc chIll out area, excellent study/lIbrary, modern well-equIpped kItchen wIth breakfast area, 4 stylIsh bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, 1 guest cloakrooms, a games room, etc. EverythIng Is lIght-coloured and offers the same elegance. The vIlla has got all the detaIls for your convenIence - aIr condItIonIng, sauna, spacIous garage, storage and utIlIty room. Large balcony and terrace offer splendId vIews towards the sea and subtropIcal gardens. A perfect place for people who lIke to be close to all amenItIes of the most establIshed part of Marbella and enjoy the luxurIous MedIterranean way of lIfe.