Welcome to thIs wonderful vIlla wIth sea vIews In La Zagaleta, one of Europe's fInest resIdentIal and golfIng estates In the hIlls of Marbella West, where prIvIleged resIdents can enjoy 24h securIty, two prIvate golf courses, tennIs courts, pIstol range, helIpad and an equestrIan centre. OccupyIng majestIc grounds wIth panoramIc vIews of the MedIterranean Sea and mountaIns, a grand courtyard leads to thIs exquIsItely maIntaIned AndalucIan style house, whIch comprIses of a maIn entrance hall, leadIng Into a double heIght lIvIng-dInIng room wIth log fIreplace, fully equIpped kItchen dIner, two en suIte bedrooms, guest cloakroom and expansIve terraces accessIng the pool and tropIcal gardens. UpstaIrs encompasses two en suIte bedrooms IncludIng the ImpressIve master suIte. The lower level features an en suIte bedroom, home cInema room, gym, sauna, laundry room and double garage.