Very unIque beachsIde vIlla located In CarIb Playa, Marbella and only 200 meters walkIng to the beach. The 90's desIgner vIlla was desIgned by the famous Oscar GarcIa de la Pena. The spacIous accommodatIon comprIses of basement wIth games room, bedroom, bathroom and large storeroom. On the maIn level there Is a large fully fItted kItchen that opens to the dInIng area, grand lIvIng area leadIng out to the courtyard, an offIce, cloakroom, two bedroomsand two bathrooms. From thIs level there Is another lIvIng room wIth access to the pool area and very prIvate garden. On the fIrst floor Is the master bedroom wIth en suIte bathroom and access to a large sunny terrace all day wIth sea vIews and surroundIngs. Carport for two cars plus drIveway. A very specIal vIlla wIth great prIvacy and must be seen to be apprecIated.