Traumhafte DG Wohnung in unmittelbarer Parknähe

EUR 2,100
  • 60 m²
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Due to a planned stay abroad for approx. 8 months, we would like to sublet our rental apartment in consultation with the property management. You will find this beautiful furnished 3-room apartment in a central yet quiet location in Wiesbaden North-East in the immediate vicinity of the Kurpark / Kurhaus. You can park your car on the property and take your shopping just a few meters up the stairs. Here the elevator takes you to the fourth floor of the quiet residential building. You then enter the apartment, which has been lovingly, comfortably and cleanly furnished. A small, bright living room with a couch and modern wall-mounted TV leads off to the left from the laminate-covered hallway. The view from the two windows is towards the park. To the right is the bedroom with a large double bed and a very good mattress (“EMMA Original”). The bedroom has great light and a very cozy atmosphere. Continuing down the hallway, to the left is a beautiful tiled kitchen. 3 skylights create an indescribable atmosphere with a great view of the greenery. View over the roofs to the park and all the trees around. Enjoying your morning coffee here with the window open and the birds twittering is a dream. The kitchen is equipped with a dishwasher, Miele stove/oven, table and chairs and everything you need to prepare a meal. There is a storage room with a tumble dryer. Furthermore, the white tiled daylight bathroom opens from the hallway. Here is the washing machine of recent construction. The apartment has internet and a water filter system in the kitchen, There is also another room that we use as a wardrobe/study and which we would like to exclude from the subletting in order to store our things. If you are also interested in this room, we can see if we can find a solution.
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60 m²
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