Lovely One Bedroom Cottage - East Crete

EUR 35,000
  • 135 кв м
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724 00
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A sweet cottage located on a small cul de sac in the centre of the village of Limnes, East Crete. The property is a two level house comprising a living room with fitted kitchen units on the lower level with wooden steps up to a bedroom with a shower room on the upper level. The bedroom has access to a covered terrace with views across the village and mountains. Both ground and 1st floors each have an AC/warm air unit and the house has double glazing with external window shutters.

Water and electricity supplies are connected to the house and drainage is to the village mains drainage system.

Road access and parking are adjacent.

Energy rating estimated as category Z.

The total size of the property is approx 35m2.

Limnes is a popular traditional Cretan village close to the National road, approx 4kms from the bustling town of Neapolis and within 10kms of the cosmopolitan resort town of Agios Nikolaos. Located in the basin of the Limnes valley, it has the advantage of being flat with easy access. There is a small shop, bakery/coffee shop and several tavernas in the village. Attractive local beaches are within a 10 minute drive whilst the international airport at Heraklion is within a 40 minute drive.

Please note that all measurements and distances are approximate and intended as a guide only.

The advertised property price does not include buyer real estate agent fee, buyer legal and administrative costs or purchase tax.
Please note that all measurements and distances are approximate and intended as a guide only.

The advertised property price does not include buyer real estate agent fee, buyer legal and administrative costs or purchase tax.
Готовые кв.м.
35 кв м
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