Building of 2 Apartments in Milatos - East Crete

EUR 125,000
  • 110 кв м
На продажу
Почтовый индекс
724 00
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PRICE REDUCED FROM E140,000 - An apartment building located a few steps from the sea in the popular coastal village of Milatos, East Crete. The property requires renovation work to include electrical re-wiring, new plumbing and installation of a septic tank, insulation of roof areas, new windows and doors, new kitchens and bathrooms. The property comprises…

2 bedroom apartment with open plan living room/kitchen and a shower room on the ground floor.
2 bedroom apartment with open plan living room/kitchen and a shower room on the 1st floor.


Balcony/terrace access, small patio area and a small garden area.

Water and electricity supplies are connected and drainage is to a septic tank.

The 2 building is approx 110m2.

Certification of Energy is under issuance.

The old village of Milatos is about 1.5kms inland and consists of old traditional stone houses, churches, small local shop and a few kafeneons. There are wonderful views here down across to the sea. Approx 3kms on the road out of the old village is the famous Milatos Cave. History has it that in 1823, 2500 Cretans sought refuge there when they were besieged by their Turkish occupiers. It is still possible to visit the cave. The latter day addition to Milatos comprises the small delightful fishing village with shingle beach and harbour area and restaurants, cafes and shops. The international airport at Heraklion is within an 40 minute drive.

Please note that all measurements and distances are approximate and intended as a guide only.

The advertised property price does not include buyer real estate agent fee, buyer legal and administrative costs or purchase tax.
Готовые кв.м.
110 кв м
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