Apartment for sale in Sousse-Khezama Tunisia

EUR 218,688
  • 320 кв м
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Are you looking for a unique real estate investment opportunity in Khezama East We are pleased to present to you an attractive real estate complex ideal for property dealers or informed rental investors. This real estate complex includes four spacious type S 1 apartments each offering a generous surface area of 80m2. These apartments all benefit from a privileged location in a quiet and residential area in the heart of Khezama East a highly sought after area of the region. Currently rented at 480 dinars per month these apartments offer a stable and attractive rental income. The popular area ensures constant rental demand and potential valuation of the property in the long term. Built in 1999 these apartments occupy the first and second floors of an R 2 building. Although already rented these apartments present excellent potential for improvement and modernization to increase their rental attractiveness and their value on the real estate market. This is a rare opportunity to acquire a real estate complex in one of the most popular areas of Khezama East. Don't miss this lucrative investment opportunity. For more information or to schedule a tour please contact us today. Services No information available
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320 кв м
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